From that window you can edit content, adjust the positioning, and even choose to remove footers from your document. Double-clicking a footer or a header will bring up the Word Header & Footer window. Second, you could just double click the footer at any time and edit it that way. However, if you use the Different Odd & Even Pages option, then even and odd footers you’ve created will repeat throughout the document

First, when using the Different First Page option, the first page footer won’t be reproduced anywhere else in the article. Tick one or both of the first two boxes.Using the second option will give you different footers on even and odd pages. Footers on remaining pages will be different than the first-page footer. Using this will create a separate footer on the first document page. Add the footer content to your first page.Alternatively, tick the Different Odd & Even Pages option for separate footers and headers.Tick the Different First Page box for a custom first page footer.Double click on the footer, this will open the Header & Footer settings at the top of the page.Once you choose to remove the footer from a document it will do it for all your pages, whether you have different footers on some pages or not. This process doesn’t have to be repeated on every page. Select Remove Footer from the bottom of the list.Find and click the Footer drop-down menu.
#Insertn name document in footer word 2011 for mac how to#
Here’s how to remove the footer from a document if you’re on a Windows computer or a newer Mac laptop. Not only can you use it to add tables, pictures, links, and pretty much anything else, you can also remove certain elements from a Word article, such as headers, footers, and page numbers. The Insert menu in Microsoft Word is home to some of the most important tools for writers and editors. Here are the fastest ways to get rid of footers or edit them to your liking. They’re just as easy to remove as they are to add, no matter what platform you’re working on. Step 6 :- Now you can edit or remove the page number from only the selected page.Footers are somewhat customizable in Word, but they’re not always a necessity. Step 5 :- Select Same as Previous option in the document and un select the Link to Previous available under the Header & Footer Tools. Step 4 :- Then double click the Footer of the new page section.

Step 3 :- Select Next Page from the Breaks menu drop down list. Step 2:- Navigate to Page Layout menu then click the Break menu option under Page Setup section. Step 1:- In the Word document, scroll down to the page with number as 4. For example if you have 5 pages in a document and want to remove the page number for the 4th Page then you can follow the below mentioned steps. The option is know as “Section Break” and it is available as part of the Page Setup menu. Word 2016, 20 have a feature that allows users to remove page number for selected pages alone. How to remove a page number without removing all page numbers. This is in response to the query posted by a reader that